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Temple Ewell Players

New members always welcome from ages 11 years upwards – either to help with building sets, scenery painting or if you like to sing, dance, act or play a musical instrument. (Joining fees are very reasonable.)

The Temple Ewell Players were formed in 1972, after a meeting was arranged by Mrs Betty Pilcher a life-long inhabitant of Temple Ewell, to plan a village pantomime. As a result of this well-attended meeting, a committee was elected and Ann Hogben became the first Chairman.

Originally, an effort was made to keep membership to people who lived in the village but, as people moved out to other places in the vicinity, it became hard to enforce this. Now, although a proportion of members do live in Temple Ewell, people are enroled from nearby villages and Dover town too.

The Players first show was the pantomime ‘Aladdin’ and we like to think that pantomimes are our forte. A panto has been produced every year since the formation of the Players, with the exception of 2000 when a spectacular variety shown was staged depicting 2000 years from the big bang to the present day and space exploration. Several musicals have been staged, but the Players are specially known for the Music Hall and Revue shows, where talent for singing and dancing are expounded with great gusto. Many of the scripts for the revues are written by members.

There is a more serious side too. Many plays have been performed – dramas, mysteries, comedies and farces.

Most productions are staged in Temple Ewell village hall, which lends a cosy, friendly atmosophere. The stage is quite small but many are surprised at what can be achieved with scenery.

The Players are a friendly, close-knit group with a strong ability to welcome new members. It is quite hard work learning lines and dance routines to the standard achieved, but members have a lot of fun getting there.